Sunday, May 23, 2021

Still Kicking

 So, I have been thinking about it for a while and I decided to start my blog again. It's been a few years since I was here and added any content, but I want to blog about my art and maybe about Second Life. Stuff that I do as a hobby. Watch for lots of pictures too, As I finally got myself a new camera! 

 Today I am sitting in Second Life Having a piece of watermelon. Trying to recover from being sick for a whole week with I don't know what. Hopefully it stops and I've been miraculously cured! 

 I watched my first born twin granddaughters graduate High School on video, they will be 18 next week. wow time flies. I don't know them and was not lucky enough to be able to share their life with them due to the fact that the adoptive parents never wanted to reveal they were in fact adopted. 

 Two of my grandchildren graduated the 8th grade and will be in high school next year, driving, dating, thriving. How exciting of a time! What a privilege to be young! 

 I have a lot of art projects in the works including paint pours, resin pours, miniature fairy gardens. NOw if I can just keep up in between work and life will be the question. I didn't have an outside job before when I blogged now I do and it will be different but I'll try to make a schedule and stick to it.  


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